
Following in the footsteps of my colleagues, I learned to use var_dump, print_r, and exit() to print information about my PHP variables and stop my code execution. A little over 3 years ago, I first experienced Chrome’s Devtools JS debugger. When I understood that I could view the data in all variables in memory at the paused point of code execution, I knew there had to be a better way for other development workflows than just JS debugging in browser. Upon searching, I came across Xdebug.

Early on, a working Xdebug set up constantly eluded me. I had issues with the local server setup. I had issues with my IDE set up. At some point, I decided to pay my way out of the IDE set up by paying for PHPStorm. I had read about their zero config Xdebug set up, and gave it a shot. While PHPStorm did give me a leg up, I still found that only time, repetition, and review of the documentation would truly get me to the promised land.

Fast forward to present times: I still find myself explaining to my colleagues what value a good debugger can provide. Too often, I hear that the set up is hard, and that a quick var_dump is good enough. With that, I had my first blog idea. This post will be a tutorial in how to set up Lando (a Docker abstraction) PHPStorm, and a default Laravel app. Future posts will explore other IDEs, Xdebug functionality, and quirks of debugging some features on various PHP frameworks.


Guide expects user already has the lando cli installed

Move into your preferred projects working directory, create a project directory, enter it, and initialize a lando project.

mkdir laravel
cd laravel
lando init -r laravel

Update .lando.yml

name: my-lando-app
recipe: laravel
  xdebug: true
  webroot: ./my-app/public

Start lando app

lando start
Starting Lando

SSH into the lando instance and create laravel app

lando ssh
laravel new my-app

Browse to

The Laravel Demo App

Xdebug Browser Extensions

Install the browser extension for the applicable

PHPStorm Set Up

File → Settings → Languages & Frameworks → PHP

Click the “…” menu button at the end of the CLI Interpreter selection.

PHPStorm PHP Language Settings

Click the “+” button in the left pane

Select “From Docker…”

Confirm the name of your lando appserver image by running

docker ps

In my case, the image name is devwithlando/php:7.3-apache-2

docker ps Output

Select the Docker radio button in the “Configure Remote PHP Interpreter” window, and then select the image name from the drop down.

Configuring the Remote Interpreter

Hit “OK” and then we should see a new Remote Interpreter set up.

Configuring the CLI Interpreter

Hit “Apply” and “OK” and then the same combo again on the next Settings view.

From the Tool Bar, select Run → Start Listening for PHP Debug Connections

If you are using the default toolbar set up, you should see the following icons.

PHPStorm Debug Toolbar

From your browser tab with the Laravel demo page open, update your xdebug helper to be enabled.

Firfox Xdebug Helper Disabled

Firefox Disabled

Firfox Xdebug Helper Enabled

Firefox Enabled

Refresh the laravel demo app, and PHPStorm should trigger a prompt for an Incoming Connection from Xdebug.

Incoming Xdebug Connection

Leave all options as is, and select Accept.

Open the file routes/web.php and click to the left of the root route by the line number. This should put a red dot indicating that a breakpoint is set, and code execution should pause here.

Laravel Web Routes Breakpoint

When you reload the page again, you will likely get a warning from PHPStorm that the debug sessions finished without pausing. This is generally an issue with the path mappings, as the warning says.

PHPStorm Xdebug Warning
Click PHP Servers link in the warning, and it will bring you to the path mappings for the server that was created when the incoming debug request was accepted. I generally make sure that if the request is not pausing, that all absolute path maps are set up at each directory level and the file that I’m trying to debug.
PHPStorm Xdebug Server Path Mappings

Once applied, reload the page again.

Routes Web Breakpoint Activated

Debugging Laravel Views

Debugging views requires setting breakpoints in the appropriate compiled template for the view found in storage → framework → views

Compiled Laravel Views Folder

No compiled views yet

Load the page, and a compiled file should be output. You can then set breakpoints in the compiled file to pause execution when the view is loaded.

Compiled View Breakpoint Activated

If you have a large number of compiled files, you can do the following to clear your compiled views, or just manually delete the files

lando ssh
cd my-app
php artisan view:clear

CLI may already trigger debug events to PHPStorm. You may need to stop the listener to proceed with commands that you don’t want to debug.

Once cleared, you can reload the view, and then the only compiled file should be the one you need.

CLI Debugging

php artisan make:command MyAppCommand

Let’s edit the signature for our reference.

protected $signature = 'my-app:do-it';

Let’s update the handle method to execute code to pause.

public function handle()
    echo 'We did a thing!';

Update .lando.yml

name: my-lando-app
recipe: laravel
  - .env
  xdebug: true
  webroot: ./my-app/public

Add the .env file at the root of the project. Add to it the following. The serverName should match the server created in the PHP settings when you accepted your first debugger connection.



If you rebuild your lando containers, and the execution pauses, an Xdebug session may have been triggered. Play through

Changes to a .env file being loaded into Lando will require a lando rebuild -y

Dumping out php -i at the command line is not the same as using a phpinfo() in a .php file. command line will load the cli .ini settings, while the values returned by phpinfo() will be the apache or php-fpm settings.